Contented in Pregnancy

I feel contented. It's a feeling that only being pregnant can really explain. When you are content, there is this super peaceful, calm, relaxed feeling. Like everything is ok.  I guess every time, day is different.

I feel super peaceful today, feeling at peace with my husband Jo helps a lot with that. When we are in harmony and working together, life seems a little easier, a little brighter. I guess the key is to leave room for communication to happen naturally. We are both improving.
I am learning how to let go more and more and not control how things go. It's amazing how attached I got to this boy. He used to chase me, now I'm the one chasing him sometimes. How can I help it though, he is so shiny. I must be too.

I want to describe more this state of pregnancy because it's feeling is so tangible, natural, beautiful....natural. That's the only words I can find to describe it. The feeling that everything will be ok and I don't really have to be or do anything to be complete. I just am. I just am in the right place, doing the right thing and my baby is there. That is all that matters. My husband, my baby, me and this divine presence that guides and orchestrates the whole thing with us. It's beautiful. I guess surrendering is a big part of pregnancy. Daily, surrendering to the flow of things in body, mind and soul. It's such a process. Omg. You've read some of my posts. It's extreme. It's all over the spectrum, incredible in every sense of the word. I am carrying life and that gets damn scary sometimes but it is also an incredible realization, gift and a blessing when I tune in to that.

My diet has been a large focus of my pregnancy and daily feeding myself well has been the goal. Now that I see that, I am happy that I spent the extra money, focused my mind and continued to eat and feed myself only the most nutritious, organic and high grade foods and vitamins out there.
Yea, I broke the bank a couple times but... how many times am I going to be pregnant? Really. So, yea, I am so happy I fed myself such nutritious smoothies and nut mylks and heaps and heaps of fruits and veggies and nuts and seeds and any other healthy cravings I had. I literally only had one crazy day where I was like, let's go have a grass fed cheese burger, and I did. And it was amazing, and I loved it. But I haven't craved it since. Another time was eating some smoked turkey lunch meat with cheese and crackers and mustard and that was heavenly. Otherwise, vegan, day in and day out. Mostly all plant based meals, every single day. I've loved it, I've felt nourished. I've stopped cooking for my husband besides the salad I prepare but I do manage to feed myself. Anyway, he is usually at work and I am at home.

Practicality is a good tool and I am learning more and more about that. I'll share more on that another time. Anyhow, why I have kept to my vegan diet mostly is it has kept myself regular. Since pregnancy and the slowing of the digestive system that naturally occurs, to keep regular (going once or twice per day) I need to stick to natural, whole, vegan foods and beverages. It keeps things moving and me happy. Other stuff, meat, gluten, etc, just clogs things up and who needs that. The regularity is such a relief when going through all kinds of digestive issues and you don't want to gum up your system more with hard to digest foods. Take vegetables and fruits for example, they digest within minutes, at most a couple hours. Meat, 1-3 days on average. Anyhow it's a blessing to have that kind of dietary knowledge and in fact, my baby must be a yogi because he/she really only has been craving fruits and veggies and somehow dislikes onion and garlic. Very yogic. Very Satvic :)

Ok, that's all for now. 180 from yesterday! Pregnancy, who would have known.

**I am approximately 19-20 weeks pregnant now. Half way! The photo above was taken around 17 weeks.

Lots of love to ya'll. Please leave a comment.



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