Contented in Pregnancy

I feel contented. It's a feeling that only being pregnant can really explain. When you are content, there is this super peaceful, calm, relaxed feeling. Like everything is ok. I guess every time, day is different. I feel super peaceful today, feeling at peace with my husband Jo helps a lot with that. When we are in harmony and working together, life seems a little easier, a little brighter. I guess the key is to leave room for communication to happen naturally. We are both improving. I am learning how to let go more and more and not control how things go. It's amazing how attached I got to this boy. He used to chase me, now I'm the one chasing him sometimes. How can I help it though, he is so shiny. I must be too. I want to describe more this state of pregnancy because it's feeling is so tangible, natural, beautiful....natural. That's the only words I can find to describe it. The feeling that everything will be ok and I don't really have to be or do an...